Knudde #2: From which moment was Knudde called Knudde?

Dear Knudde,


I read your last column and I just wanted to say that it helped me a lot! Thanks to your tips, I might be able to join the first team of Drienerlo next season. I am the fittest guy on the field, but it also brought up a question in me. I did some research and I couldn’t find anything on the website about your name or how you got it. So my question is, Knudde, where did you get your beautiful name?


Kind regards,





Hey Butterflygurl101,

Drienerlo has many songs, including our club anthem ‘jaaaaaa dat is…V...V… DRIENERLOOOOO’. Also ‘Hey, wir wollen die Eibären sehen!’ can be heard regularly at the club, which is quite suitable, since the mascot of the most beautiful club of the Netherlands is of course a polar bear. That’s also what I’m called most of the time, just ‘the polar bear’. The editorial committee had asked for my name a little while ago and that’s when it hit me… I did not even know my own name! That was when my research to my own identity started. 

I asked some old v.v. Drienerlo players, but no one seemed to know who I was or where I came from. While I was digging up the club’s history, I found myself on some old photos, so maybe these could help me with exploring my identity. Below you can find everything I’ve found. 


Based on these photos you could say I’m a polar bear who’s up for everything right? At least, that’s what it looks like. I really feel at home in the snow, but I’m afraid those after skiing parties are a little bit too much for me. I try to support all Drienerlo teams anywhere I can! Sometimes I try to impress the ladies in an attempt to get them to run faster, but that does not always work out great. 


Anyway, the photos indicate that my actions aren’t always that well considered and they often go wrong, so basically pretty ‘knudde’! But I always give a hundred percent and that’s what counts!


Kind regards,




2020-05-30 17:47:29
2020-05-31 16:03:56