First Drienerlo day of the season!

 This year, we celebrate the 55th anniversary of our association, in other words: v.v. Drienerlo is becoming a greybeard! However, there's always a bigger fish and that is why the ladies have arranged a very special guest for the first Drienerlo Day of this season on the 30th of November...


But first, the day will be kicked off by the first ladies team, who will play a home match at 10 am against Achilles '12. At the same time, traditional Dutch 'Koek & Zopie' (selling pea soup, hot chocolate and hotdogs) will start to keep the spectators warm. We will definitely need this, because it is going to be an interesting day on the pitch: our own 4th and 5th team will be playing each other at 12, and at 3 pm the first men's team will close off with their match against EFC PW.


After the sportive part of the day, we will move to the canteen where Domino's pizza will be ordered and the special guest will arrive... Yes indeed, it is Sinterklaas! (The Dutch version of Santa Claus, traditionally celebrated on the 5th of December.) You don't want to miss this, because Sinterklaas brings his big red book from which he will read all the biggest achievements, missteps, bad behaviour and gossips of the past year. Are you willing to help Sinterklaas? Let him know who really 'deserves' to sit on his lap and why, in an email to 

As is tradition with Sinterklaas celebrations, we will exchange presents during this evening! Each participating team will (in secret) be assigned another team for which you have to arrange a present. A rhyme and/or 'surprise' are not mandatory, but of course offer the perfect opportunity to make fun of the other team. Of course, one can enjoy beer and kruidnoten during this evening. Sign up your team via or at one of the ladies!


2019-11-04 17:02:49
2019-11-27 14:51:26