Bata pictures 2018

The ranking is a bit regrettable, but at least we showed some spirit during the 46st Batavierenrace! Our starting number was 62, we finished 120th out of 316 teams. After last year's phenomenal 47th spot, and just 4 seconds behind our student colleagues football team from Eindhoven - ESVV Pusphaira - we topped them this time around by almost a minute!


Check out the pictures on the Bata website, or click on through to our own photo album


Drienerlo could've ended up higher on the table. Jasper ran a ladies stage, resulting in a 15 minute time penalty. Next to that, the 5th stage was cancelled due to a large group of lost runners, resulting in the organisation unfortunately ruling out the results of this stage. Sander wasn't particularly happy about that. 

But we also had lots of good runs, with Daniëlle coming in as 30th on the 24th stage (from the city center to the UT campus), Sharon came in as 26th on the 11th run, Nadine ending up as 22th on the 8th stage, and Bo even came close to the top 10: as 13th on the 13th run of the day!

Check out the complete result of Drienerlo below, or in the album

Complete result


2018-05-28 12:13:48
2018-07-05 13:54:02