

18 May 12:00 - 18 May 23:59


It's time for the first Drienerloday of the season 2017-2018!

On this day three teams will play at the homebase of our club.

After everyone played their game you can analyse your own game and the games of the other teams while enjoying alcoholic refreshment in the Boortoren of DHC.

So keep your calender free of other appointments!

The program of home matches is as following:

12:00 V5 - Victoria '28 3
14:30 V4 - ATC '65 4
14:30 V3 - AJC '96 2

So everyone support the other members of our green-white army, with these banger of matches!

Program after the matches:

18:30 Diner in the Boortoren (list for diner will go round soon)
21:00 Karoake and Bierolympics

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